Welcome to the website of Polytechnic University of Tirana

Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Created: 15 December 2009 Last Updated: 16 June 2016 Hits: 16799




Dean: Prof.Dr. Orion Zavalani



Brief History of FEE

1951 The Polytechnic Institute is established in Tirana; Faculty of Electronics was its component too.

1953 The part time system started for the preparation of Electrical Engineers.

1954 With an official notification, the Faculty of Electronics and its departments were approved.

1957 On 16th of September was established the State University of Tirana which included the Polytechnic Institute with four Branches.

1969 Former Electrical Branch was devided into two Profiles: Industry Electrification and Power Stations.

1983 Faculty of Engineering was devided into two Faculties: Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (FMEE) and that of Civil Engineering (FCE).

1991 Former State University of Tirana (SUT) was devided into two Universities:

The Polytechnic University of Tirana (PUoT) which gained the status of an indipendent public university consisting of the Engineering Faculties that were separated from the PUoT with 4 Faculties, among them, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering with its two departments, Electrical and Electronic Departments.

1996 Based on the proposal of PUoT the School of Distance Education was approved by MES..

2008 With the proposal of MES and DCM(VKM) the former Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEE) (1991-2007) split into two Faculties: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and the Faculty of Information Technology. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering consists of three Departments:


  1. Departament of Electrical Systems of Power
  2. Departament of Electrotechnics
  3. Departament of Automation


BACHELOR degree in Electrical Engineering

  1. Energy Profile
  2. Industry Automation Profile

Master of Science (MSc) in Electrical Engineering 

  1. Energy Profile
  2. Industry Automation Profile

PhD in Electrical Engineering

  1. PHD in Electro - energy profile 
  2. PHD in Electrotechnics profile 
  3. PhD in Industry Automation profile