Welcome to the website of Polytechnic University of Tirana

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Created: 23 October 2009 Last Updated: 16 June 2016 Hits: 23152


Dean: Prof. Asc. Gëzim Hasko
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Brief history of FCE

FCE is one of the oldest and most experienced Faculties in the Albanian Higher Education. It was established in 1951 as a Construction Branch in the framework of Higher Polytechnic Institute of Tirana and later as constituent part of Tirana University. In 1983, Faculty of Civil Engineering was established as an indipendant unit included in UT. Since the establishment of the Polytechnic Institute and up to the present, FCI as a main unit of PUoT, has contrubuted to a successful history for our country. The greatest and most important works in the field of construction and architecture bear the seal of progressive and scientific thinking of the engineers and architects graduating from the auditoriums of FCE. Actually, 6200 students have recieved the degrees in different Profiles, among them 3500 as Civil Engineers, over 1000 as Hydrotechnics Engineers, over 900 Architects and Urbanists, over 300 Environmental Engineers and over 500 Geodesy Engineers. Currently, 4123 students are attending their studies at FCE, in all the Profiles.


  1. Department of Building Constructions and Transport Infrastructure
  2. Department of Mechanics of Structures
  3. Department of Environmental Engineering
  4. Department of Hydrotechnics and Hydraulics
  5. Department of Geodesy



  1. BACHELOR in Civil Engineering
  2. BACHELOR Hydrotechnics Engineering
  3. BACHELOR in Environmental Engineering
  4. BACHELOR in Geodesy Engineering


1. Master of Science in Civil Engineering

  • Construction and Administration Profile
  • Structurist Profile
  • Infrastructure and Transport Profile
  • Geotechnics Profile

2. Master of Science in Hydrotechnics Engineering

3. Master of Science in Environmental Engineering

  • Water Treatment Profile
  • Energy Profile

4. Master of Science in Geodesy Engineering

5. Master of Science

Dual Diploma in Civil Engineering in partnership with Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics, Paris, FRANCE


  • PhD in Construction Engineering profile
  • PhD in Geodesy Engineering profile